Systems Integration
One enterprise with multiple IT systems can result in confusion, inefficiency and decreased productivity. Let Flag Business Systems' experience and expertise transform your enterprise into one streamlined and optimally-functional entity.
Client Needs:
Integrated standalone IT systems that cater to different functions, departments and that automate different business process.
We Provide:
The right tools and approach for your enterprise's needs, combined with world-class knowledge and experience.
Client Achieves:
- A consolidated view of your business.
- The ability to access real-time data and customised reports.
- Accelerated business processes.
- Higher performance.
- Increased flexibility.
Integration - Software Products Examples
Over the years, we have successfully completed integration projects linking the following software products among many more:
- Sage Evolution ERP – Precision Mark Weighbridge System
- Sage Evolution ERP – KCB Quickpay (for EFT Transmission)
- Sage Evolution ERP – uniCenta oPOS
- Sage Evolution ERP – TTI Airline Reservations Systems
- Sage Evolution ERP - PesaXpress MPESA Integration
- xTuple ERP - PesaXpress MPESA Integration
- SAP ERP – Precision Mark Weighbridge System
- SAP ERP – BPWin Weighbridge Software
- TimeTrex Payroll – FingerTec TCMS (for Biometric Clocking)
- Sage VIP Payroll – FingerTec TCMS (for Biometric Clocking)
- Online Payment Gateways [PesaPal, PayPal, 2CheckOut]